Monday, November 26, 2012

Running in the morning

Today's Run: 4 miles on the treadmill, 30 minutes, 31 seconds.

It is usually best for me to get my runs over with in the morning, before work. My job can get stressful and most nights I am just ready to make dinner and crash. But it is still really difficult to wake up with enough time to get a good workout in! My husband is crazy and wakes up at 4:30 am to go workout! To be fair, he works earlier than I do, and works about 45 minutes away. But still. Crazy! I really struggle waking up early to run, even though it didn't used to be a problem.

A couple of years ago my friend/roommate/teammate and I would be up every day at 5:00 to run with our little four legged buddy Ari, and that was never a problem.

Little Ari
But is another story. Maybe I have just perfected the art of convincing myself that I'll go after work, or that just one day off won't hurt. But I need to stop doing that, and just get my ass out of bed! I love the feeling of getting my run over with and having the whole evening to relax. Plus, I feel that even though I get up earlier and exercise, I still have more energy (maybe I drink more coffee??).

In any case,one of my new goals is to get up at 5 during the week to get my run in-every day! I've perused some blogs/running sites for tips on making this easier. Here are my favorites:

1. Set everything out the night before.
2. Put your alarm clock out of reach.
3. Go to bed earlier (WHAT! Mind blown....)
4. Program coffee maker the night before.
5. Meet up with someone
6. Have a "no snooze" policy
7. Plan the work out before you wake up

Some of these might seem like no brainers, but for me they are hard to put into practice! Any other tips are appreciated!!

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